Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, a Hindu swami of American origin, scholar and
renowned defender of the Hindu paramparas, dreamt of Lord Shiva. The
lord was walking on the land in Hawai, USA, on which Satguru made a
sankalpa to construct a grand temple to Lord Shiva.
Satguru, a
staunch follower of of the Shaiva Agama shastras, decided that the
temple would be built by hand and would be so strong that it would last
1,000 years. Designed by Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati in the 1980s, the
3,000-plus blocks of granite were carved in Bangalore, and to the site
in Kauai, Hawai, USA. The 32 crore temple is expected to be completed by
2017 when it will be inaugurated with a kumbha abhishekam.
The Shivalinga
in the temple appeared simultaneously in Sadguru and a local crystal
dealer's dreams. The crystal dealer traveled to Arkansas where he
expected to find the spatika linga. The 50-million-year-old sphatika
linga was found covered in mud in a mine. It was brought duly to Kauai
in 1987.
May the ever compassionate Lord Shiva with a body as white as jasmine bless all beings with his gentle smile!
Watch the progress of the San Marga Iraivan Temple on
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