Exact dates of when Mata Kadeshwari manifested herself on a rock in swayambhu form near Bandra fort in Mumbai are difficult to come by but her temple is said to have received worship for at least 300 years. The temple is highly popular among local Hindus especially among students who troop to the temple before important exams.
Mata Kadeshwari is is a manifestation of Mata Bhairavi the consort of Lord Kaal Bhairav and has the power to cast away fear from the hearts of her devotees and grant them courage which is a must before one embarks on any adventure.
The swayambhu murti is extremely powerful and its energy can be felt by those who approach the murti. The temple was recently renovated and has adequate space for bhajan-kirtans and satsang.
The temple is located near the famous Mount Mary Church in Bandra (West) where a fair is held every year.
Listen to a powerful invocation of Mata Bhavani by Pandit Ajoy Chakravarti on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4P8IW8kYWo
- Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa Charitable Trust
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(Photo Courtesy - google.com)
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Jai shree radhey guru maa
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