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Lord Ram and Shabari |
When Lord Rama ate the berries that had been tasted by Shabari, Lakshman was incensed at her impudence. How dare she offer the Lord food that had been tasted by another. Lakshman even when he was angry was upset because his love for the Lord was pure. Because it was pure Lord Rama accepted that anger as he would a gift.
And he knew the sentiment behind Shabari's offering of berries that had been tasted by her and accepted that too.
This tells us that the Lord is served both with a sense of devotion that will not accept anything but the best for the Lord and also by berries that are not pure in the worldly sense. What he accepts is the bhava with which we offer what we do to him.
May Shri Ragunandana, the Lord and master of Mata Shabari, bless us with a longing for his lotus feet, which destroy all sins
Watch a bhajan dedicated to Lord Rama on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn8OzP4TjfQ&list=PLX7pQGp56ndGWSeq53nQZtqfJxIPdqfOL
- Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa Charitable Trust
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(Photo Courtesy - google.com)
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