Thursday, December 6, 2018

अपने जीवन में बुरे कर्म से बचने के लिए इन 7 युक्तियों का पालन करें |

                        Follow these 7 tips to avoid bad karma in your life                       

The term ‘karma’ basically means ‘action’ and the theory states that whatever actions we take, a similar effect comes back to us, at some point of time in future. So, a person who advocates love, affection, and all the good emotions, leads a prosperous life, while a person who does bad to others, invites a bad effect in life. And, no matter how hard we try we can never truly be kind and positive in all the situations, at all times. So at some point of time or the other when we’re not at our best behavior, we may invite bad karma.
And what’s done is done, and we cannot change that, but what we can do is, try and follow the following tips to avoid bad karma.
1.Be kind
Being kind and helpful towards the people whom we love is something we’re wired to do.

No doubt it is a good deed, but a selfless act of kindness has a different sort of vibe to it. Doing something good for an unknown person or a stray animal is altogether a different level of positive. One, which is bound to bring good karma. But make sure the feeling comes from within and isn’t superficial.
2. Apologise
A genuine apology is worth a lot more than you can think. Nothing moves a person more than the fact that someone who did wrong to them is feeling bad about it from the heart and wants to make amends. A genuine apology never goes in vain. Hence, owning your mistakes and righting them will truly invite good karma for you.
3. Patience is the key
There is no denying to the fact that as the time has passed over the past years, people have continuously been becoming impatient. We expect a response to any activity of ours within moments. And, impatience is one of the worst qualities a person can have. It makes us so much consumed in the thought of what is to come; that we take the present for granted and actually forget to enjoy the ‘now’.
4. Stay Positive
At some point of time or the other, all of us go through the rough patch in our lives. But how we choose to react during those times is what decides what we get in life. The thought of staying positive is surely a compelling one, but actually doing that is a hard thing to do, especially when we see no way out of our predicament. But, staying positive in such a situation ensures, we bring only goodness into our lives, the good karma.
5. Advocate love, spread happiness
Love, happiness, contentment are all feelings of positivity. One, who decides to give all this to the world, is ideally radiating positive energy into the world. And what we give is what we get. Hence spreading positivity ensures you get only positive things back into your life. This is exactly what the ‘Law of attraction’ states.
6. Keep learning
No matter how old you are, there’s no age to stop learning. Almost every being on this planet has something or the other to teach you. You just have to keep an eye for it and be open to new experiences. Experiences are said to be the best teachers, hence one must always have the spirit to keep learning. Keep learning from their past experiences and grow to become a good person in life. Such a positive outlook will bring some real good karma in your life.
7. Let go of toxic people
No matter how good you start managing your life, you’ll never actually get good results unless your surroundings are bad. Every component in our environment affects us in some way or the other, but most of it is the people that affect us. The people we choose to spend time with; expand our energy with; affect us deeply, hence we must stay clear of toxic people because toxic people bring bad karma into our lives.

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