Monday, March 28, 2011

Jodhpur welcomes Param Shradhey Shri Radhe Maa at Umaid Bhawan Palace

जय माता दी ,
                   हिन्दू धर्म में दर्शनों का बहुत बड़ा महत्व बताया गया है, मीरा बाई, नरसिंह मेहता , द्रौपदी , भक्त प्रह्लाद सहित अनगिनत उदाहरण हैं जहाँ भक्त की आर्त पुकार पर प्रभु ने  भक्त को दर्शन देकर कृतार्थ किया है  ,दर्शन का एक और रूप है तीर्थ यात्रा, जैसे चार धाम, हरिद्वार में गंगा जी के दर्शन,हृषिकेश,अमरनाथ,वैष्णो देवी संग तिरुपति बालाजी  आदि की यात्रा,भक्तों द्वारा  ऐसे तीर्थ स्थानों की यात्रा करने से पाप, कष्ट आदि का निवारण तो होता ही है साथ ही साथ मन को बड़ी दिव्य शांति भी प्राप्त होती है!और यदि यही तीर्थ यात्रा आप किसी सिद्ध महापुरुष या सद्गुरु के साथ करें तो आपको ८० (अस्सी)  तीरथ के बराबर का फल मिलता है ! ऐसी मान्यता है के मंदिरों ,देवालयों और किसी भी दिव्य स्थान पर यदि योगी,साधक,ऋषि-मुनि या सद्गुरु दर्शन करने आते हैं तो उस स्थान का प्रभाव या तेज और अधिक बढ़ जाता है!

ममतामयी श्री राधे माँ ने ठीक इसी प्रकार पिछले कुछ दिनों में राजस्थान में स्तिथ कई तीर्थ स्थानों के दर्शन किये तथा  उनके साथ गए भक्तों  का कल्याण भी किया , दिनांक १४ मार्च २०११  को देवी माँ जी जयपुर से सीधा शीश के दानी श्री खाटू श्याम बाबा जी के दर्शन करने खाटू पधारे और यहाँ श्याम सांवरे के दर्शन कर अपने संग आई संगत का भी कल्याण किया, ज्यूँ ही करुणामयी श्री राधे माँ के आने का सुसमाचार मिला तो खाटू की सभी सुप्रसिद्ध समितियों और मंडलों ने बड़े ही सुनियोजित ढंग से श्री राधे माँ के स्वागत और दर्शनों की व्यवस्था की,उस वक़्त मानो सारा वातावरण भक्तिमय और एक त्यौहार में परिवर्तित हो गया था,सुप्रसिद्ध भजन गायक श्री लखबीर सिंग लक्खा जी जो पहले से ही खाटू श्याम बाबा की सेवा में थे, श्री राधे माँ के आने की खबर सुन उन्होंने (लक्खा जी ) भी देवी माँ जी के दिव्य दर्शनों का लाभ लिया ! हम भक्त जो, ममतामयी श्री राधे माँ की  पावन शरण में हैं,हम उन्हें नंद्किशोर देवकीनंदन प्यारे कृष्ण कन्हैय्या के रूप में भी देखते हैं ! कई बार जब देवी माँ जी ध्यान मग्न मौज में होतीं हैं तो ठीक वैसी ही लीलाएं करतीं हैं जो हम श्री बालकृष्ण के बारे में पढ़ या सुन चुके हैं!

इसके बाद देवी माँ जी पुष्कर की पावन स्थली पर सृष्टि रचयिता श्री ब्रह्मा जी के दर्शन करने पहुंचे,यहाँ भी श्री राधे माँ जी के भक्तों ने बड़े सुन्दर आयोजन  के अंतर्गत पूरे विश्व में एक मात्र ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर में बड़े ही सुन्दर और मनुहारी  दर्शन करवाए! जैसे ही  श्री राधे माँ के पावन चरण कमल ब्रह्मा जी के मंदिर परिसर में पड़े तो ब्रह्मा जी के आदर में मानो देवी माँ जी के ह्रदय से "ॐ  एंग  ह्रिंग श्रिंग  क्लिं सौह सत चिड एकं ब्रह्मा"  इस पावन मंत्र का नाद हुआ और सारा प्रांगण श्री राधे माँ संग ब्रह्म चरणों में नतमस्तक हो गया! 

इसके पश्चात श्री राधे माँ जी ने अजमेर स्थित ख्वाजा गरीब नवाज़ हज़रत मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती की पाक़ दरगाह के दर्शन कर भक्तों के समक्ष उदाहरण रख दिया के उनका ध्येय मात्र प्राणियों में सद्भावना और सर्वधर्म सम्मान का सन्देश फैलाना है,किसी भी धर्म विशेष को माँ महत्व नहीं देती बल्कि मानावता के धर्म को ही महत्व मिलना चाहिए,इसके पश्चात देवी माँ जी ने चुरू स्तिथ सालासर हनुमान जी के दर्शन हेतु  प्रस्थान किया फिर करणी माता जी के पावन दर्शन कर जोधपुर के लिए रवाना हो गए जहाँ ममतामयी श्री राधे माँ जी के लिए भक्तो ने प्रसिद्ध उमेद पैलेस में भव्य स्वागत सहित रहने का इंतजाम किया,भारतवर्ष और विदेश से पधारे कई भक्त जो इस दिव्यता से परिपूर्ण तीर्थ यात्रा में शामिल हुए थे , माँ के दुर्लभ और दिव्य दर्शनों कर अपना एवं अपने परिवारजनों का कल्याण किया!

हम आशा और मनोकामना करते है की ममतामयी श्री राधे माँ जी हमे सदा अपने चरणों में ऐसे ही लगाये रखें और हमे सेवा का यूँ ही शुभावसर प्राप्त होता रहे

जय श्री राधे माँ

जय माता दी   

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SALASAR BALAJI- the land of Lord Hanuman

On the way to Rajasthan Pilgrimage, Radhe Maa has reached Churu district of Rajasthan to take the sacred blessings of SALASAR BALAJI- the land of Lord Hanuman. It’s great fortune to be part of this visit

Friday, March 18, 2011

'Devi Maa ji' is on the way to take darshan of 'Hazart Khawaja Moinuddin Hasan Chisty' (Dargah Ajmer Sharif).

'Devi Maa ji' is on the way to take darshan of 'Hazart Khawaja Moinuddin Hasan Chisty' (Dargah Ajmer Sharif).
I'm thankful to 'Devi Maa ji', because of her blessing we have got an opportunity to take Darshan of Holy Dargah.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anup Jalota enthralls thousands of devotees with bhajans

Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota enthralled thousands of spiritual devotees from Australia, Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, United Kingdom and the United States of America, at the grand Mata Bhagwati's ‘Jaagran’ ceremony at BEC ground, Goregaon, Mumbai, this week.

Organized by the disciples of Shri Radhe Maa, who graces the occasion every year, the ceremony attracted thousands of Indian as well as International devotees, who celebrated it with tremendous excitement and fervor. Followers took the opportunity to have Shri Radhe Maa's darshan and also praise Shri Sherawali Mata.

This year, Anup Jalota was joined by Master Saleem and party from Punjab and other devotional singers from across the country for this lavish event.

The ceremony featured some magnificent scriptures and statues of Lord Shiva, Lord Ram, Lord Ganesh, Lord Hanuman and Maa Sherawali along with recitation of stories of another goddess Tara Rani.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anup Jalota sang devotional songs and bhajans at Vishal Bhagwati Jaagran

A grand Bhagawati Jaagran was organized at B.E.C. ground, Goregaon, Mumbai in honor and celebration of Birthday of Shri Radhe Maa on 3rd March 2011. It was welcomed and appreciated by every participant which thronged the venue in thousands. Bhajan King Anup Jalota and Master Salim and Sadul Sikander Party enthralled the devotees with melodious devotional songs and bhajans.  The Jaagran continued whole night and the devotees were looked after very well. Bhandara and Langar was working all night to provide them with food and Prasaad.
Radhe Maa arrived at venue at 12 in the night and she was welcomed with flower petal and music band. Her welcome was grenadier than that of any king. It was not pomp but Radhe Maa’s spiritual power that made the devotees’ evening a life long experience. Everybody received Maa’s blessings.

Radhe Maa’s astute devotee and the organizer of  Vishal Bhagwati Jaagran Sanjeev Gupta attributs the success of Jaagran to Radhe Maa, “ It was only because of Maa’s blessing that Jaagaran was so successful and even after being whole night awake everybody was so fresh and full of energy.”

Bhajan King Anup Jlota was also very happy to perform in honor of Maa,“I always follow Maa’ preaching. I am blessed that I got the opportunity to sing in her honor.”

Monday, March 7, 2011

'Maa Jagadambe Jagaran' aur 'Mamta Mai Shri Radhe Maa' ke Divya Darshan

One of its kind soul-purifying experience.

Thousands and thousands of staunch believers of 'Shree Radhe Maa' experienced immense happiness and peace of mind after a rare glimpse and blessings of 'Shree Radhe Maa' at 'Mata Bhagwati’s Jaagran' on 3rd March at BEC Ground, Goregaon (East), Mumbai.

The sole objective of the Jagraan – the most sought after religious event of the year for the devotees - is to purify the soul and awaken the spiritual quotient by chanting and seeking divine blessings of Shri Radhe Maa and praising Shri Sherawali Mata. Being a social and religious cause, the entry was free and everyone was welcomed with love and respect.

A sea of people from all works of life gathered at the venue. They came from everywhere. From Mumbai and all over India. Hundreds came from UK, US, Dubai, Singapore, Canada etc.

The Mata Jagdambe Jaagran was a celebration – never seen, heard or imagined before. Devotees started trickling in very early to get a closer and better darshan of Shree Radhe Maa. Around 9.30 pm, renowned Bhajan maestro Anup Jalota began the Jagraan by singing soul soothing and heart warming hymns in praise of the lord. Later Master Saleem, Shardul Sikander, Ram Shankar and Arvinder Singh created a reverential atmosphere by singing emotion-charged songs praising Shri Sherawali Mata. Followed by recitation of Tara Rani stories.
And then came the most awaited moment of the night – finally Shree Radhe Maa arrived in a stunning, magnificent chariot led by pristine white royal horses. A heavy blast of flowers welcomed Shree Radhe Maa – it seemed, also Gods from the sky were showering roses and petals along with lakhs of devotees.

As the splendid chariot stopped at the entrance of the grandeur stage, a swanky hydraulic lift took Devi Maa above the stage to ensure that thousands and thousands of devotees can have the privilege of clear and divine darshan of Shree Radhe Maa, Because here darshan is the road to spiritual peace and prosperity.

As the crowd bowed down and took her blessings with folded hands, the hydraulic lift took her to the stage and her throne. It was the most beautiful sight in the world. Shree Radhe Maa in bright red finery glowing with love, energy and kindness. Cut-outs of two devotees with bugles moved back and forth on both sides of the throne. And then suddenly two lovely angels dressed in pure while appeared from nowhere and disappeared. The stage was nothing less than a temple with wonderful scriptures and statues of Lord Shiva, Shri Ram, Ganpatiji, Hanumanji and Maa Sherawali, making the ambience holy, pious and religious.

Amidst continuous showering and blasting of flowers, close relatives and friends of Mr Sanjeev Gupta performed soul-soothing pooja of Sherwawali Mata - religiously and sincerely. After the pooja and darshan, devotes took prasad at the langar arranged by the organizers of the Jagraan.

Traditional and in depth Pujan of the Jyot and Prajwalan (illumination of the Jyot) were performed whole heatedly. The devotees felt rejuvenated and re-energized after mass chanting till wee hours of the next day.

Mata Bhagwati’s Jaagran has been successfully and consistently organized for the last 8 years in Mumbai. It’s one of the most auspicious and sought after religious events among the believers In India and overseas. It’s a grand birthday celebration of Shri Radhe Maa organized by her thousands of enthusiastic disciples and devotees with tremendous excitement and fervour.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Maa Jagadambe Jagaran' aur 'Mamta Mai Shree Radhe Maa' ke Divya Darshan

Would like to invite you all for ''Maa Jagdambe Jagaran''

Time - Thursday, March 3 at 9:00pm onwards

Location - BEC Ground, Hall No. 5, Next To Hub Mall, W. E. Highway, Goregaon (east)

You can collect free passes from 'Radhe Maa Bhavan' Borivali (West)

Please contact me for Free Passes - 9820082849 or email us @

Param Shradhey Shri Radhe Guru Maa